- Sports
Mustang Sports
2 - 6
Session Date(s)
June 30 - July 4 (No 7/4)
July 7 - 11
July 14 - 18
July 28 - August 1
1 week sessions
Session Hours
AM Only: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Week 2: $200
Week 3: $250
Week 4: $250
Week 6: $250
Entering Grades 2-6 | One Week Sessions
Enjoy fun-filled days of sports and cooperative games at Mustang Sports! The main emphasis is to provide a safe and supportive environment for playing and learning together. While each week is devoted to specific sports, campers may choose from several elective activities as well. Skill building, character development, and teamwork combine to create an experience that will serve them well in their everyday lives. Get ready for a high energy, fast paced, and fun week!
If your child…
- Is going into grades 2-6
- Is ready to learn some new things
- Enjoys being active
- Loves to play
… this camp is for you!
Questions about Mustang Sports?
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