
Camp Policies

SummerEdge’s policies are designed to make each camper’s and their family’s experience as positive and productive as possible!

Behavior Expectations

We expect campers to be responsible, respectful, conscientious members of our community. In the event of behavioral issues, a parent/guardian will be notified by phone and their camper will be dismissed from SummerEdge for the day without refund. The SummerEdge Office reserves the right to dismiss, without refund, any child who displays inappropriate or unsafe behavior.

Registration & Payment Information

For each camper, a $100 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration. This deposit will be applied towards your camper’s tuition and must be paid by either a Visa or MasterCard. A space will not be held for your camper until you have successfully submitted your application with payment. SummerEdge cannot accept checks, American Express, or Discover cards. All credit card information will only be used for SummerEdge billing purposes.

If you are registering before May 16, you will have the option of paying in full at the time of registration or paying only the $100 non-refundable deposit. If you elect to pay only the deposit, any remaining balance due will be automatically processed to your credit card on May 16.

If you are registering after May 16, your total balance is due at the time of registration.

There will be no refunds after May 16, 2025.

We offer a Sibling Discount in the amount of $25.00 off one additional sibling’s bill. The sibling must be that of a current SummerEdge camper. This discount will only be applied once per camp year and is calculated after registration has been submitted.

Enrollment & Refunds

SummerEdge payment is refundable in full until May 16, 2025. After that time no refunds will be provided. Requests for refunds must be made in writing via email to summeredge@mcleanschool.org prior to May 16, 2025.

Drop Off/Pick Up

Parents may drop off or pick up campers at McLean School, Lochinver Campus. Morning drop off runs from 8:30-8:45 am. Afternoon pick up runs from 3:00-3:15 pm.

Please note that at 8:45 am each day, morning and full day campers will gather together for Morning Meeting before breaking off into their groups at 9:00 am. This provides not only a more unified camp experience, but also allows more time for everyone to get settled before the camp day begins.

SummerEdge staff will greet and escort children to and from cars each day. At dismissal, we ask that you please type your camper’s first and last name (preferably in large font) on a piece of paper and place it on your dashboard at dismissal. To ensure a smooth and timely pick up, please form a line in the school parking lot and wait in your car until your child is dismissed. There is parking available on campus should you need to come into the building, please do not park on the street.

*If your child is leaving early, we ask that you pick them up no later than 2:45 pm to avoid confusion and traffic during carpool.

Before and After Care is available each day; click here for more details about Early Risers and Night Owls.

Please note that campers who arrive before 8:30 am will be automatically sent to Early Risers and these families will be charged the morning drop-in rate. Afternoon drop-ins (and any child who has not been picked up by 3:15 pm) will be charged the afternoon drop-in rate. Any child remaining on campus after 6:00 pm will be charged $2 per minute late fee until they are picked up.


Each child must bring his or her lunch, drink, and snack (children staying for Night Owls should pack an additional snack). Children will eat lunch from 12:00 to 12:20 pm under the supervision of SummerEdge staff. Please note that a nut-free table is available for children with nut allergies but we are NOT a nut-free campus.

If your child has a birthday during camp and you would like to send in a treat to celebrate, we will need it to come in its original packaging with the ingredients listed on it (for this reason, store-bought treats are preferred). We recommend popsicles, as the ingredients allow for more campers with food allergies to enjoy them as well.


All medical forms can be found here. Please complete these forms only if they apply to your child or we request that you do so. Completed forms may be uploaded to your child’s online account after you have submitted your SummerEdge application. Completed forms may also be mailed to the SummerEdge office at 8224 Lochinver Lane, Potomac, MD 20854; or scanned and emailed to summeredge@mcleanschool.org.


Campers will remain indoors in cases of inclement weather (i.e. thunderstorms, high temperatures, poor air quality). Should thunder/lightning occur during dismissal, campers will be kept inside; no camper will be dismissed until deemed safe by staff (typically 30 minutes after the last sign of thunder and lightning). Parents are welcome to park in our lot and enter the building to retrieve their child(ren), otherwise we ask that you wait in the carpool line until we are safely able to bring your child to you.

If a weather-related event prevents the safety and enrichment of our campers, we reserve the right to contact each camper’s parent/guardian to request a timely pick-up. In the event of emergency or early closing, the SummerEdge Office will send an email and updates are also available by calling 301.299.8277. Please note: in the event of an emergency camp closure or emergency early dismissal, no refunds will be given for any days/hours missed.